Submit a Series

Series Information

  • Listings WILL NOT be published Until...

    ...we review them using the link you provide below. If we do not find your Series information using that link, we will not add your Series to our directory.

    Series or Race With Additional Dates?

    A Series is a group of races that have different names, and/or locations.

    If your races all have the same name, and location, please submit it as a Race, and use the "Additional Dates" box. This will make both of our lives better.

    To Add Races to Your Series

    Just be sure to provide a link to a page that has your list of races. We'll add them. If your Series is more complicated, send us an email.
    200 character limit

    We Need Proof

    Please provide a website link where we can find and verify the Series information.
    (a link is that thing that starts with http:// or https://)
    If we find a list of races that belong to the series, we will add the races to the series, and to our directory if we don't already have them. If we don't find a list of races there, then you should be submitting a different link.
    Series Website Link

    Website Not Ready Yet?

    If your Series page is not ready yet, but you know it will be soon, you may request that we wait until a future date before reviewing your Series submittal.
    Review my submittal on or after:

    If We Have a Question...

    Please provide an email address so we can contact you If we have a question about this.
    Email Address:
    Please notify me when this listing is published.